Fordham Prep's coach, Dom, had the Amherst Purple coloring used for the print on the Fordham Prep Swim T shirt for this season and, a memorial slogan to JLC on the back of the shirt. Thanks to Fordham Prep; this would have meant so much for Joe. Joe loved the team and followed your wins and losses through long distance his last two years in Africa.
A blog from and for Joseph Lawrence Hai- Sung Chow. His life was full, but way too short.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010
Fordham Prep's coach, Dom, had the Amherst Purple coloring used for the print on the Fordham Prep Swim T shirt for this season and, a memorial slogan to JLC on the back of the shirt. Thanks to Fordham Prep; this would have meant so much for Joe. Joe loved the team and followed your wins and losses through long distance his last two years in Africa.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ode to Joseph Scarsdale Inquirer September29, 2009
Accident claims life of Edgemont man read the headline of the Scarsdale Inquirer. Joseph Chow, the son of Dr. Raymond Chow and Donna Robertson of Edgemont. Joseph, I didn’t know you and yet I can’t stop thinking about you. Thoughts of you, and your parents have accompanied me during my waking hours these past three days. A rock climbing accident in Tanzania while you served in the Peace Corps. You were to complete your service in November, only a few weeks away, the article explains. 23 years of age. Only 23.
A long time ago, I was 24, only one year older than you, Joseph, when I left my home to serve in the Peace Corp. I had wanted to go to Africa, but my parents opposed it. Africa was too far away, and to them, a scary unknown. I ended up in South America; Temuco, Chile and worked in an Hogared de Menores – a Children’s Home, a de facto orphanage. You also worked with children, Joseph, in the Ndanda Secondary School, where they say you had a passion for teaching and for your students.
Ah yes, I can remember the passion… a feeling that sprang from the depth of your soul, from some unknown origin; guiding, prompting, relentless; allowing us to see beauty where initially we were wrenched by poverty and deprivation. The article continues describing you Joseph as “active creative and charming… always willing to lend a helping hand, to work, to play to contribute to (your) community.” What an extraordinary young man you must have been. I would have liked to have known you. How proud your parents must have been and continue to be. And how great and deep their loss and inconsolable their sorrow.
This once idealistic youth is now a mother whose own eldest child will soon be 20. Thinking of you Joseph, these past days, has reminded me of how special that time was in my life. It was a time of adventure, of great challenge and even greater achievement, of making a difference… and of life long bonds and friendship and love… bonds which you will now carry to your grave. Your students and fellow Peace Corp Volunteers will never forget you. I have no doubt that you will be etched into their hearts and minds forever. Certainly those last months of your life would have been counted as among your best. I too remember. The were months of joy, laughter, camaraderie, travel, adventure and service… You lived life to the fullest. You had it all - a great education, a great home, talent and you did something that few ever do – you gave back. You gave all that you were so that others could have a better life. And now, your passion, your dedication, and your youthful zeal will be immortalized.
The words of a Persian Baha’i mystic grieving over the loss of a much loved youth comes to mind:
“Where now is thy fair face? Where is thy fluent tongue?... Where are thy beauteous eyes? Thy smiling lips…” “Thou has left the lamp that was thy body here, the glass that was thy human form, thy earthly elements, thy way of life below.
“oh my dear one. Thou art now a bird of Heaven, thou hast quit thine earthly nest, and soared away to a garden of holiness. Thou art become a star in the supernal sky and a lamp amid the angels of High heaven…”
(selections of the Writings of Abdul-Baha)
Dear Joseph, I never knew you, but I will never forget you.
Kate Weisman
Monday September 28, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Joseph's email November 29 2006 There are those who shy away from challenges and those who travel 9,000 miles looking for them
Joseph did not tell us about his application until right before his 21st bday on October 10. I was interviewing for new jobs and had a interview in Ct on Ocober 11. I drove straight from the interview to see Joe, I thought his friends would take him out on the 10th (thank you Alec, he had a great time! and loved the beer). So on the 11th I took him out to dinner and we talked about the peace corp. He was so happy to be 21, and an adult and to have so many friends; he was bubbling during dinner. I told him the Peace Corp was not a good idea for him; where would he practice the piano; or the organ, and there was very little water in Peace Corp sites. He told me that he had just applied and the Peace Corp was very selective. No worries. At Thanksgiving he came home and told us that his interivew was the next week, we thought. Apparantly the interview was before Thanksgiving, because this email came right after Thanksgiving.
I think I sent this to my family with the byline "What every mother wants to hear"
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:42 PM
To: Joseph Chow 07
Cc: 'Paul St. John Frisoli'
Subject: RE: Your Peace Corps Application
Congratulations! You have been nominated to the Secondary Education Science - Chemistry Teaching assignment leaving for Sub-Sahara Africa in June 2007.
Sub Sahara Africa Region includes the following countries: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Niger, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda, Zambia
Now you will receive a packet from the Office of Medical Services in the next 5-10 business days. Be sure to get going with these forms and turn them around at your earliest convenience. Once you are medically cleared you will hear from Placement 6- 8 weeks before your program departure date regarding your formal invitation - this can happen sooner but it depends on when you are medically cleared.
Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me. I have also copied your Recruiter Paul Frisoli on this email.
Susanne Delaney
Recruitment Coordinator, RPCV, Paraguay 1994-96
New England Regional Peace Corps Office
10 Causeway Street, Room 450
Boston, MA 02222-1099
Phone: 617 565-5548
Fax: 617 565-5539
"There are those who shy away from challenges and those who travel 9,000 miles looking for them"