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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

A Christmas Hymn from the Sister's of Rosary Hill Christmas Eve Service


Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming from tender stem hath sprung!

Of Jesse's lineage coming, as men of old have sung.

It came, a floweret bright, amid the cold of winter,

when half spent was the night.

Isaiah 'twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;

with Mary we behold it, the Virgin Mother kind.

To Show God's love aright, she bore to men a Savior,

when half spent was the night.

This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air,

dispels with glorious splndor the darkness everywhere;

true Man, yet very God, vrom sin and death He saves us,

and lightens every load.

O Saviour, Child of Mary, who felt our human woe,

O Saviour, King of glory, who dost our weakness know'

bring us at length, we pray, to the bright courts of Heaven,

And to the endless day!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Unbroken Rashani Rae

There is a brokenness
Out of which comes the unbroken,
A shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow
Beyond all grief which leads to joy
And a fragility
Out of which depth emerges strength.
There is a hollow space
Too vast for words
Through which we pass with each loss,
Out of whose darkness we are sanctified into being.
There is a cry deeper than all sound
Whose serrated edges cut the heart
As we break open
To the place inside which is unbreakable and whole.

Rashani Rae