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Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26, 2009

Today, I posted all of Joseph's journal entries onto his blog. He called the folder in his computer "blog", but I have no idea why he did not want those blogs posted, certainly nothing objectionable.

Reading the posts, I realize what an incredible two years Joseph had in the peace corp Tanzania. His death was due to a freak hiking accident, he just took the wrong trail, one that ended badly. It could have happened in the Hudson Highlands, but it didn't. In June when we went to visit, he had matured so much, and really had become a self confident young man.

This morning Ray, Kyle, Dan and I took our annual Thanksgiving Day hike up to the top of Anthony's Nose overlooking the Hudson and Bear Mountain Bridge. We have to give thanks that we had this wonderful human being for 23 years, and that he lived every moment of his life.

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